Everyone 👋

Abdul Manap
My name is
Abdul Manap ✌️

I'm a Software Developer with Full Stack Experience. I design and develop fast, functional, and SEO-friendly web apps, focusing on architecture and performance.

My Skills 🧑‍💻

Building scalable solutions with modern technologies


HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, Boostrap


Modern ES6+, TypeScript, Node Js, React, Vue.js,


Laravel, CodeIgniter, RESTful APIs, Backend Development


Microservices, gin-gonic, gRPC


ASP.NET Framework, Backend API


Redux, Next.js, React Native


Vuex, Vue Router, Nuxt.js


Astro Framework, SSG, SSR, Content Deliver


Database design, optimization, queries.


Version control, collaboration workflows


Containerization, Docker Compose

Windows & Linux

Manage Windows and Linux server

Portfolio 💻

Building Best Web Apps

Personal Website

SEO-optimized portfolio website with blog feature, built for maximum performance and responsiveness.

Astro SSG Typescript Markdown Vanilla CSS

Presensi Karyawan Web App

Employee attendance system featuring barcode scanning, leave requests, overtime tracking, and automated reporting.

PHP Laravel Bootstrap MySQL JQuery

Automatic Scalping Trade

High-frequency trading bot that executes rapid trades to profit from small market price movements.

Python Tkinter API Market

Company Profile Online Shop

Professional company website integrated with e-commerce functionality for seamless online shopping.

WordPress WooCommerce JQuery MySQL

PUSLAH - Perpustakaan Sekolah

Digital library system for managing books, student records, and borrowing activities in schools.

PHP Laravel Tailwind CSS MySQL JQuery

News Portal Education

Educational news portal delivering latest information using WordPress, MySQL, and jQuery for enhanced user experience.

WordPress MySQL JQuery

Admin Dashboard Rumah Sakit

Hospital management system for tracking patient records, medical staff, and operational processes.

PHP Laravel Vue JS Inertia JS Tailwind CSS

Penggajian Sekolah Web App

Automated school payroll system for efficient financial management and transparent accounting.

PHP Laravel JQuery MySQL Bootstrap

Arus Kas Sistem Rumah Sakit

Real-time hospital financial tracking system for managing revenue, expenses, and transactions.

PHP Laravel Blade MySQL Bootstrap

My portfolio is still incomplete, as I have many more projects to add. I'm currently in the process of updating it, so stay tuned for more 🫶

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